Twilight breaking dawn part 1 vodlocker
Twilight breaking dawn part 1 vodlocker

So even though, they waited, they were still subjected to some pretty unpleasant sex, Edward having to hold back so he doesn’t kill his wife, and Bella STILL ends up getting bruised. As we all know, abstinence is a BIG part of Bella and Edward’s relationship. Something that kind of bothered me was the overall “message” I got from this movie. Bella and Edward’s little demon spawn start to suck the life out of it’s mother a la Rosemary’s Baby. This is also the point in the film where things start to get good. I have to say I agree with Bella on this one, as do most women I suppose, we’d do just about anything for our children. The wedding was nice and everything went pretty well, until Jacob showed up and said what everyone was thinking: HE’S MADE OF STONE, HE’LL KILL YOU! Now if only his magical vampire blood could cure any ailment… After one very intense night of passion, our lovely couple going on to have a very boring honeymoon, what is until Bella feels the kick! Edward then flies into action rushing his new wife back home to bet rid of “that thing.” Which I have to admit, even for someone as self-loathing as Edward Cullen that’s a little harsh. I also liked Edward taking Bella to dance with the natives in Rio (which seems to be the movie hot spot these days.) That was a cute little moment.

twilight breaking dawn part 1 vodlocker

Even if it contradicted some of the earlier set out vampire rules. Seriously though, the costumes and scenery, hair and make-up was all very well done.


Even if no amount of movie magic seems to be able to hide the dark circles under Kristen Stewart’s eyes and she always does that cross eyed thing when she gets a close up… Well that didn’t last long. As a female, I have to say that wedding was amazing! Bella’s dress, the scenery, and the beautiful vintage clip her parents gave her? Just beautiful, although I’d never be able to pull of a dress like that, I still found the wedding to be perfectly wonderful and dream-like. Okay-dokie, now for some good stuff, well some girly stuff. Even if everyone is showing up for Bella, Edward and Jacob and not the quality of the film itself. I’m sorry but once again I have to say, a series with THIS much attention, it’d be nice to see a director take SOME pride in what they are doing. It was also painfully clear that director Bill Condon, didn’t have any experience in special effects. Although from what I recall, Stephanie Meyer’s vampires don’t change either, so my question is, why do they all have different hairstyles? Also there is clearly sun shining, so why are there no sparkles? Honestly the attention to detail in this movie was just atrocious. Anne Rice made them never changing, Charlaine Harris made them ‘the vampires next door’ and Stephanie made hers sparkle… there’s no accounting for taste. So every vampire novelist likes to add their own little twist to Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Let’s get back to the problem at hand, shall we? Well actually, problems… Starting with Stephanie Meyer’s vampire rules. Meyers 10 million dollars… I apologize Twihards, I don’t have much of a reason to be so hard on the shinny ones, considering that my favorite children/young adult fantasy writer J.K. Rowling is a bona fided billionaire and Ms Charlaine Harris ( True Blood) isn’t doing to bad for herself either.

twilight breaking dawn part 1 vodlocker

Though lets be honest, by the time Eclipse was published, Breaking Dawn could have been written in crayon and covered in dog shit and still made Ms.

twilight breaking dawn part 1 vodlocker

THAT seemed a little pointless and stupid. Although since I (reluctantly admit) actually have read all four books, I like that the filmmakers skipped that whole thing with the bulletproof car and Bella telling her dad that she’s getting married. Which isn’t a problem if you’ve read the books, but for the people who don’t actually know what’s suppose to happen this could all be a little confusing. Yes the “Romeo and Juliet” of our pre-teen dreams FINALLY make honest people out of each other, and then do the nasty… Well there you goĪlthough as a stand alone film, it kind of bothered me how they just jumped into the wedding, there wasn’t a lot of build up or set up to the whole event. Let’s start with the source novel, Breaking Dawn is by far the worse book in this mediocre series. Good news movie fans, the first part of the FINAL installment of The Twilight Saga is FINALLY HERE! Bad news? There is still a part to to look forward to…

Twilight breaking dawn part 1 vodlocker